Friday, June 19, 2009

"Happy Father Day" from Rockwills

Rockwills wishing all fathers "Happy Father Day". Looking the picture, we can see that the children in the picture are happy as the father has written a Will to protect them.

It is very important to write a will to protect your family especially when you have minor children. You can provide the most trusted guardian, trustee to them through a Will, the only document that can make your wishes come true.

It is never too young to be practical, write a will to protect your children and your hard earned assets!

For professional will writing advice, please call +012-303 9383 or +03-7782 1993

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Will will be able to unlock frozen assets when need arises

A son of my client passed on few months ago due to a heart attack. As he was single, under the Law all his assets goes to his mother who is 79 years old.

As applying Letter of Administration take a few years, my client (his surviving mother) is worry that before she could receive her son's assets she might be gone as well (currently she is very sick). Knowing the problems of no Will, she wrote a Will a few days ago.

In her Will, it covers not only what she has at the moment and the residuary clause will cover whatever she might receive from her son's estate, once LA is extracted.

A Will is an important document that everyone should have, perhap it is one of the most important document a person should have during is/her lifetime. Thus, do not procastinate, write your Will today!

For professional advice on Will, lease contact +6012-303 9383 or visit to find out more about will and trust.