Sunday, December 1, 2013

REPs of CMY Group attending a 1/2 day seminar at Wisma Rockewills on 16/11/13

On 16/11/2013, about 50 Reps of CMY Group attended a 1/2 day seminar organised by CMY. Encik Azhar, GM of Rockwills Trustee Bhd shared on 'Formation of Foundation' and 'Charity Trust'. It was followed by Mr. Andy Low, a practicing lawyer who shared on 'Marriage and Divorce Act'. Jessie Ooi and Carine Looi shared their experience on the business.

We have activities like this every years for the benefit of the REPs in CMY Group. If you are interested to be successful in estate planning and want to associate with a premier group in Rocwkills that is proactive, effective and productive, please call Mr. Chong at 012-303 9383 to find our more.

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