I conduct regular training, once every two weeks at Rocwkills's Pear Hotel Training room, The sharing session enable practical method of presentation, legal knowledge and all other aspects of the business is taught so that the new Reps and other Reps under CMY Group have better exposure in estate planning. This is one of the reason why every Rep in CMY Group are doing well if they are focus in this business.
If you intend to venture into estate planning business, please consider the premier group in Rockwills ie the CMY Group as I will be able to help and assist you to excel in the business.
As a leader, I have been in full focus in estate planning business under Rockwills brand for the past 14 years and do not have other business like insurance, unit trust like which most REPs in Rockwills have.
If you want to explore the potential of Rockwills's business, please drop me a line at info@rockwillsonline.com.my or call 012 303 9383.
Below are some photographs taken when some REP enjoying their lunch after one of the training session.