Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rockwills Telephone Contacts Numbers

Want to write a Will or find out more about the establishment of a trust but can not find an experience and fulltime Professional Estate Planner? The above are some of Rockwills' contact telephone numbers. These Professional Estate Planners are experience and fulltime in the business, they are Professional Estate Planners under the CMY Group, the premier group in Rockwills. The CMY Group is under the leadership of Mr Chong Mok Yong; an experience Professional Estate Planner with more than 12 years of fulltime experience with Rockwills. Mr. Chong is also a well known speaker on Will and Trust. You can invite him to share on the topic of Will and Trust in your office or home, FOC. Just drop him a line at   

Are you looking for experience Will-Writer and are you staying in Melaka or Negeri Sembilan?

Rocwkills provides home services and free consultation on Will and Trust. If you are staying in or work in the state of  Melaka or Negeri Sembilan and want to find out more about Will-Writing, you can call Rockwills Melaka at 012-573 9383 or Rockwills Negeri Sembilan at 012-573 9383 or 012-303 9383(Chong Mok Yong)

We have experience Will Writer who can assist you to draft a Will that function to your current situation. For a Will to be functional, it does not just take care of the distribution aspect of your assets, the Will must have express instructions or powers that enable your appointed Trustee to act the way you wanted him/her to so that your assets are protected and your beneficiaries enjoy the full benefit.

Please visit us at for more information on Will.

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Rockwills office in Ipoh.

We are please to announce the opening of our Rockwills office at No. 51A, Lengkok Desa Rashah 1, Desa Rishah, 30100 Ipoh on 3/6/2012.

With this new office, The CMY Group in Rocwkills will be able to reach out to more customers in Ipoh. At the sametime, PEPs under CMY Group will have a place to meet up for training, conducting Will Talk, conduct recruitment Talk etc.

If you are in Ipoh or any part of Perak and wish to explore the Will-Writing business or to write a Will under the brand name of Rockwills, please call 012-303 9383 for more information.